It is I, Dom Nguyen

(or Dominic if you want to be formal)

Greater San Diego Area

Designing Pricing Infrastructure, Finance, and the Design System at Airspace

I have many different backgrounds: A PT student, a research assistant, a graphic designer, a dance team director... with all these roles, I was always driven by my desire to connect with people, build empathy, and improve their lives through our interactions. Ultimately, I felt that being a product designer would be the most rewarding, as it blended my love for design and my desire to create engaging environments for others. I could feel satisfied in making an impact and exercise my creative muscles? What a catch!

As I am driven to build purposeful experiences that power people, I relish in tackling new challenges and making new connections. Please reach out via the links below to chat!

Here's some tidbits of my non-design life, described in three gifs: